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1. r/realestateinvesting

Members: 1.5m

In a nutshell: A civil, well-moderated discussion hub for a wide range of real estate investing topics, including news, trends, rants, tips, and more.

R/realestateinvesting is Reddit’s largest real estate subreddit by far. With 1.5 million followers, it trumps even the more general r/RealEstate — ranked #2 on this list — for sheer engagement and popularity.

Per the subreddit’s description, “/r/realestateinvesting is focused on sharing thoughts, experiences, advice and encouraging questions regardless of your real estate investing niche!”

As such, the range of topics on r/realestateinvesting tends to be broad but highly informative. There are relevant news clips, discussions of trends and solicitations for advice. And sometimes, niche tips that can save you time and stress:


The subreddit’s ten moderators deserve a shoutout, too, for keeping things civil and friendly. They also do a good job locking threads when the correct answer materializes.

All things considered, if you’re interested in real estate investing, subscribing to r/realestateinvesting is a no-brainer. It’s easily the biggest subreddit on the topic, and with so many daily posts, you’re bound to learn something valuable.

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2. r/RealEstate

Members: 367k

In a nutshell: Saltier than a theme park pretzel, r/RealEstate is 50% rants and commiseration — but it’s still highly informative on the buying/selling process (and which mistakes to avoid).

If r/realestateinvesting is Reddit’s primary hub for all things RE, where does that leave r/RealEstate?

The differences are subtle, but as a longtime lurker on r/RealEstate, I can confidently say that two things separate it from r/realestateinvesting.

First, r/RealEstate is less concerned with the investing side of real estate and more focused on buying and selling. You’ll see dozens of posts each day from buyers asking for negotiating tips, realtors sharing trends in specific markets, and the occasional heartwarming “proud of myself and wanted to share” post:

The second thing I’ve noticed is that r/RealEstate has a different “vibe” than r/realestateinvesting.

r/realestateinvesting feels like an investing conference. Everyone’s dressed well, shakes hands and acts professionally.

r/RealEstate, by contrast, is like the bar everyone goes to after the conference. With shirts untucked and alcohol flowing, posters on r/RealEstate tend to be more profane and unfiltered — for better or worse.

Sometimes those are just people sharing a hard-earned victory, while other times, they’re an outlet for the ageless contention between buyer and seller:

Now, this may be a function of our difficult times. When interest rates were low, buyers flocked to r/RealEstate to complain. When they shot back up, sellers and realtors came and drank their fill.

But if you can push past the general saltiness of the subreddit, there’s some genuine support and advice to be found in r/RealEstate that may help you invest in the market more effectively. From how to deal with troublesome renters to handling tough negotiations, there’s always something to learn from r/RealEstate.

And if you’re just seeking a place to commiserate with fellow investors, r/RealEstate will happily pour you a glass.

3. r/Landlord

Members: 95.0k

In a nutshell: A place for landlords to share stories and advice — mainly about the trials and tribulations of troublesome tenants.

r/Landlord is a niche destination for landlords to seek advice from each other on managing property, investing well, and handling tenants.

If you’re considering investing in your first property soon, r/Landlord is an honest place to learn about the often harsh realities of handling renters.


Granted, sometimes landlords and tenants live in perfect harmony. But other times, trouble can impact your bottom line as an investor — and r/Landlord helps you prepare for those realities.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 15% of households are behind on rent payments. And the eviction process can take months or even years.


Plus, tenants who are successfully evicted will sometimes refuse to leave peacefully.

To be fair, r/Landlord just shows one side of the story. And a handful of top posts on Reddit aren’t necessarily indicative of the norm. Your experience as a landlord may go more smoothly.

But just in case it doesn’t, r/Landlord can help you learn from the best so you can prepare for the worst.

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4. r/realtors

Members: 64.7k

In a nutshell: A place for the realtors of Reddit to share tips, advice, and memes. It may help investors find the right realtor themselves.

Real estate investors can learn a lot from realtors. Because while the former group often collects their intel secondhand or on a part-time basis, the latter group is on the front lines every day.

As such, r/realtors provides a fascinating insight into the daily life of buying, selling, and negotiating for property in a hot market.

I’d say about 50% of the posts are soliciting advice from other realtors, and a good 20% are rants against Opendoor or Zillow, the apparent banes of a realtor’s existence:


And there’s a nice sprinkling of memes for good measure:


r/realtor welcomes questions from non-realtors, as well. So if you’re not sure whether you’re currently working with a good realtor to find your first investment property, you can head there for some (potentially invaluable) perspective.

5. r/CommercialRealEstate

Members: 55.8k

In a nutshell: A quiet, low-traffic subreddit that still maintains a nice back catalog of advice, interviews, and starter tips for CRE investors.

As the name implies, r/CommercialRealEstate is a place to discuss investing in industrial, hotel, multi-family, and other non-residential properties.

It’s not the most active Reddit real estate investing channel. It has just over 55,000 members and fewer than 50 users online at a given time. But its back catalog of posts and comments can help new investors dip their feet into the CRE world.

Here’s the top post of all time:


Spending an evening reading the subreddit’s top 50 posts can serve as a strong and unconventional primer to the CRE world. The 2020 COVID-19 predictions thread is especially enlightening:

Oddly, REITs aren’t really a topic on r/CommercialRealEstate. But they do have their own subreddit. It wasn’t big enough to make this list with just 7.3k members, but if you’re interested in poking around, head to r/REITs.

Read more: Commercial vs. Residential Real Estate Investing: Which Is Right for You?

6. r/zillowgonewild

Members: 52.8k

In a nutshell: A hub for hilarious real estate listing photos—an essential real estate investing subreddit for sheer fun and levity alone.

Finally, something just for fun.

r/zillowgonewild is a place for posting “home listings that make you wonder,” — which is a delicate euphemism for weird and ugly houses.

Although it comes at the expense of someone’s pride and joy, r/zillowgonewild offers blissful, hilarious escapism from the daily challenges of real estate investing:


Even though you won’t source much investing advice from r/zillowgonewild, I’d call it essential. And if you see a property you’re considering investing in, better make sure it’s not featured here first.

7. r/REBubble

Members: 38.4k

In a nutshell: A place where users can discuss theories, news and more related to the U.S. housing bubble.

Finally, at just under 39k members, r/REBubble may lack the member base of r/RealEstate or even r/CommercialRealEstate — but don’t let that fool you because this sub is positively dense with data for investors.

Case in point, r/REBubble is filled with trend sightings and news stories that might’ve otherwise flown under the radar. From the Fed’s latest comments to sliding home prices in specific markets, there’s a lot here to help you seize opportunities (and avoid mistakes).


r/REBubble features plenty of insightful speculation, inviting you to share your own craziest theories for comment.

If you plan to convert an investment to an Airbnb, don't mention it. (r/REBubble treats AirBnB investors like a rival sports team.)

Should you trust real estate investing advice from Reddit?

Now that you know where to find real estate investing tips on Reddit, should you trust what you read?

Reddit uses a voting system to rank answers. If the top-rated comment on a post has 100+ “upvotes,” that means the community mostly agrees with it.

That said, the advice you read on Reddit isn’t always specific to your situation: General questions get general answers.

On the whole, I’d say Reddit is a great place to source general guidance. Commenters have no fiduciary duty to you, nor is it always possible to vet their credentials. But having been here for ten years, I can say that most Redditors — especially on real estate subreddits — are sincere in their efforts to help.

The bottom line on Reddit investing advice

While Reddit real estate investing advice isn’t always 100% accurate, it’s undeniably the most active and engaging place to learn from people knee-deep in it every day. From successful landlords to salty realtors, there’s always someone to learn from inside Reddit real estate investing communities.

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About the Author

Chris Butsch

Chris Butsch

Freelance Contributor

Chris helps young people prosper - both mentally and financially. In addition to publishing personal finance advice for Investor Junkie (now Moneywise) and Money Under 30, Chris speaks on the topics of positive psychology and leadership through CAMPUSPEAK and sits on the advisory board of the Blockchain Chamber of Commerce.

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